Contoh Narrative Text Dan Penjelasannya
Ciri Ciri Narrative text
- Fokus pada satu tokoh atau pelaku dan biasanya individual sehingga biasanya menggunakan kata ganti seperti “I, we, she, he”.
- Paling sering menggunakan past tense baik itu simple past tense, past continuous, maupun bentuk past tense lainnya.
- Terkadang menggunakan dialog untuk mengajak pembaca berimajinasi sehingga ceritanya terlihat lebih jelas dan nyata.
- Karena berurutan (kronologis), maka biasanya juga menggunakan kata sambung (conjunction) agar cerita terlihat runtut atau urut
Contoh Narrative Text
Once upon a time, there was a young man named dhenz. He lives with a younger brother named Anjani, anjani has a very gentle character, unlike his brother’s dhenz bench. Dhenz has a grumpy and often rough character on anjani.
One day, a woman he loves to dhenz to come to his birthday, dhenz plans to surprise and express love at the women’s birthday party. It would be hard dhenz feel hard to get there, because a motor that is usually in dhenz riding is in use by his brother called anjani. Dhenz was very angry and upset about this.
Then dhenz phoned Anjani to go home in an angry tone, soon the dog came home and apologize with full of nerves and cries on his brother. Dhenz’s heart was touched and felt guilty for being rude to anjani. Then dhenz immediately set off and left for the women’s birthday party.
Arriving there dhenz managed to surprise the woman who was birthday that year, and expressed love sed. And in the end dhenz became the girlfriend of the woman.
- Paragraf pertama berisi Orientasi, yaitu pengenalan tokoh-tokoh yang ada pada dongeng Dhenz.
- Paragraf kedua berisi Komplikasi, yaitu masalah muncul saat dhenz sulit untuk pergi ke acara pesta ulang tahun..
- Paragraf ketiga mengandung Resolution, yaitu masalah terpecahkan saat anjani pulang tepat waktu.
- Paragraf terakhir, isi Re-Orientasi, yaitu akhir cerita yang bahagia dimana akhirnya dhenz menjadi pacar wanita yang ia sukai.
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